Eng Mubeen Ahmed

Android & Flutter Developer

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I am Experienced Android and Flutter Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the software development industry. Proficient in developing robust, user-friendly, and high-performance mobile applications for Android platforms using Java, Kotlin, and Flutter framework. Possessing a strong understanding of mobile application architecture, UI/UX design principles, and best coding practices. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver innovative solutions that meet client requirements and exceed expectations. Proven ability to adapt to evolving technologies and deliver projects within tight deadlines.

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Bachelor's in BS Information Technology (IT)


Language Translator Flutter Project

Developed a language translator application using the Flutter framework. This project utilizes Flutter's widget-based architecture and platform-specific integrations to create a seamless user experience across both Android and iOS platforms. The application supports translation between multiple languages, providing users with a simple and intuitive interface to input text and instantly translate it into their desired language. Implemented features include text input validation, language detection, and integration with external translation APIs for accurate and efficient translations. This project showcases proficiency in Flutter development and demonstrates the ability to create practical and functional mobile applications for real-world use cases.

Project 1 Screenshot GitHub Repository

Web Browser with VPN project in Flutter with APK file-

MUS_Browser is a Web Browser with Built-in VPN! this browser not only provides seamless web surfing but also integrates a powerful VPN for enhanced anonymity and protection. Say goodbye to online restrictions and safeguard your data with MUS_Browser today!

Project 1 Screenshot GitHub Repository


The Real-Time-Object-Detection is an Android application which detects the object, the user can foucs there camera to the any object it can detect the object and show the object name. This is Kotlin base Project which is used to create a Android application

Project 1 Screenshot GitHub Repository


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